Scientific research makes clear that sleep is essential at any age. Sleep powers our minds restores health and invigorates every system in the body. Here are some tips on how to get the sleep in. It’s called “sleep hygiene.”
For us Warrior Parents…
- Keep the same sleep schedule daily.
- Relaxing bedtime routine, i.e. meditation, bath, reading light material.
- Comfortable mattress and bedding.
- Here’s a hard one: keep electronics out of the bedroom and bed!
- The bed should be only for sleep and sex!
- Keep the room darkened blackout curtains, or eye shades.
- Cool the room temperature and your body. At the end of a shower before bed, turn on the cold water for a bit.
- If sound bothers you, consider a white noise machine or earplugs.
- Consider diffusing aromatherapy, such as lavender which is calming.
- Turn off screens an hour before bedtime and wind down.
- Get outside in the morning to help your circadian rhythms regulate.
- Healthy diet and exercise (not close to bedtime).
- Stop eating about 2 hours before bedtime (and caffeine only earlier in the day).
- If you can’t sleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed, read something really boring in low light or other calming activity, and try again.
What about your kiddos?
- A regular bedtime, even on weekends.
- Make the room optimal for sleep (darkened, cool, no electronic distractions).
- Create a bedtime routine, such as shower, brush teeth, read a book, guided meditation. There are plenty of meditations specially made for children.
- A security object, like a lovey or blanket, is comforting.
- Healthy diet and exercise or movement during the day.
- Limit sugary treats before bedtime!
To learn more about the importance of sleep and tips, check out the National Sleep Foundation.
Sleep is precious, protect that time for yourselves and your children. Can you imagine how much more effective of a parent you can be on sleep? Well-rested = more patience and ability to deal with stress and staying calm, even during your kiddo’s tantrums. It’s a fact, well-rested children will likely tantrum less. Now that’s a motivation in itself!